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Let Yourself Cry 
by Tabitha Wilson 

Let salt pour out when it comes.


May that sweet convincing voice persuade—

Listen not

to those little nothings that stand no profound ground. 


Let your lovely cheeks flush red with passionate emotion.


Even walls of great diamond are cracked at that noise—

Listen not

to that evil within you telling you not to express your true emotion. 


Let yourself feel.



You are never too dramatic for the people that care about you. 


Your slight whimpers in the dark,

your gasps for air,

your wrecked hair,

your blabbering about,

your dripping nose,

your puffy,




beautiful eyes

are reborn in salty water to see a new perspective. 


You are given tears to clear away those dark, restricting clouds

that limit your understanding

of the bright, 

beautiful sky.

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